3D Robotics IRIS+ drone now hands-free with Follow Me
Joshua Goldman
GoPro cameras are great for capturing your view of what you’re doing, but recording yourself usually involves poles or another person. The IRIS+ from 3D Robotics now gives you the opportunity to have a drone as your personal camera crew.
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Commercial Drone Business got disrupted by Open Source modell
By Dean Takahashi Venture Beat
The do-it-yourself (DIY), open-source drone movement is turning into a real business that could disrupt the commercial and military drone industry. It’s another case of how exploiting the curiosity of hackers can turn into a commercial opportunity.
That’s the view of Chris Anderson (pictured), the editor of Wired magazine and a drone hobbyist and businessman on the side. He spoke about this DIY trend and his own efforts to lead it in a talk at the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas today. Read more
How I Accidentally Kickstarted the Domestic Drone Boom
By Chris Anderson
At last year’s Paris Air Show, some of the hottest aircraft were the autonomous unmanned helicopters—a few of them small enough to carry in one hand—that would allow military buyers to put a camera in the sky anywhere, anytime. Manufactured by major defense contractors, and ranging in design from a single-bladed camcopter to four-bladed multicopters, these drones were being sold as the future of warfare at prices in the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Read more