PG&E Conducting Line Inspections Using Drones and Helicopters
MiamiAerial was contracted by a Third party service provider to conduct for PG&E System Inspections program in the North Bay and North Coast using drones and helicopters along electric transmission lines.
The program accelerates inspection cycles beyond compliance regulations to align with wildfire risk. It’s one of many initiatives PG&E has undertaken to protect grid safety and reliability, with other measures including enhanced vegetation management and system-hardening. Read more
Near drone-helicopter collision off Hollywood/Lauderdale
Tell me what You think if You see this video. This was exactly the question when i got approached by Christian De La Rosa from Channel 10 News.
He showed me the video and well even i had seen it before but it still looked like a 3D animation or something fake. So i told him my conclusion about what happened and probably why i did happend. But as You can expect it, the why and what was never shown in the news later on.
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Aerial Future Views / Panoramas
Showcase Your Property with Powerful Perspectives
A picture is worth a thousand words. Nowhere is this more true than in real estate development. We can make the impossible possible! Miami Aerial is working since many years on the forefront of commercial real estate photography. As South Florida is attracting many buyers for high end luxury condos the real estate sales team want to know how the view from a future penthouse on the 50 floor looks like or give the future buyer a 360 look of his cozy view over the bay during sunset.
Major real estate developers trust MiamiAerial’s experience in delivering the right product.
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Film Production
There are virtually no limits! We are and we work with world-class aerial cinematography specialists. Our goal is to give You the footage You envision. Miami Aerial will work with you to explore any approach, any angle, flightpath or concept.
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Precision Agriculture / Inspection
Precision technology has driven the farming revolution of recent years, monitoring crops from the sky will drive the next.
With a drone or UAV you can capture highly accurate images in various color spectrums of your fields, covering up to hundreds of hectares/acres in a single flight.
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Next-Gen Drone Technology Ushering In a New Era of Aerial Photography
Drone technology is moving ahead in leaps and bounds, and it appears as though the sky will no longer be the limit for commercially available drones in the near future! This is due to the tremendous advancements in cameras, and the subsequent melding of said tech with drone technology. It is a marriage that started out with the armed forces and intelligence agencies, and as of now has joined the mainstream in the civilian world. Read more
UAV RISK Mitigation
There are three aspects within a business which enable companies to control risks. The equipment that is used, the staff that are employed and the procedures that are followed. Using poor quality or badly maintained equipment can lead to malfunction. Poorly trained or unfit staff will be less able to operate equipment safely. And badly thought out procedures will lead to errors being made.
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Key Risks in UAV Operation
Below is a list of key risks which has been compiled over many years of piloting of which a large proportion have been in and around Miami, Florida. Some of these may be obvious but others less. Read more
The Drone ‘Bubble’ - How to survive in a competitive market
The latest number of FAA certified pilots for commercial purposes currently stands at almost 40.000 with an estimated 1000 new pilots per month adding to the list.
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Reaching Critical Mass
According to the Consumer Electronics Association, 700,000 consumer drones are expected to be sold in the United States this year, compared with 400,000 last year.
According to the Consumer Electronics Association, 700,000 consumer drones are expected to be sold in the United States this year, compared with 400,000 last year. With more than a million drones flying in airspace regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), an increase in sightings is arguably inevitable. Read more