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Aerial Videos - Aerial Cinematography

Why are moving images from the air so impressive? Because of the dream of flying, of course.

Advantages of air films by flying drones or the multicopter:

Conventional aircraft like a helicopter must stay above about 300 feet for safe operation. Miami Aerial’s robotic UAV multicopter can capture that important 0 – 400′ altitudes to give views that helicopters just can provide.

Further advantages of the flight robot in the creation of air films:

  • Video feeds are live and direct. With the client on site, approval can be immediate.
  • Flying robots throw almost no shadows.
  • Flying robots are agile and can operate in close terrain and even between buildings in dense urban settings.
Applications for air films:

Air film clips are not only incorporated in film productions such as feature films and documentaries but also increasingly they are being used in corporate videos and sports coverage.

Live broadcasts on video screens as part of concerts, art fairs and other major events adds to the ambiance.

Aerial video sequences are particularly appropriate for the following areas:

    • Company buildings and facilities
    • Golf courses and golf clubs
    • Events and exhibitions
    • Hotels, holiday parks and campsites
    • Theme and amusement parks
    • National, state and county parks



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